132 m²
Project year
When designing our clients' homes, we very often continue our collaboration and jointly carry out interior design projects. This was also the case during the project of a single-family house in the Wawer district of Warsaw.
During the construction of the house, we noticed the meticulousness of the investor in ensuring that the building was constructed according to the design and in the selection of high-quality materials and their installation. A similar situation occurred during the work on the interior design project of the house.
During the construction of the house, we noticed the meticulousness of the investor in ensuring that the building was constructed according to the design and in the selection of high-quality materials and their installation. A similar situation occurred during the work on the interior design project of the house.
Znakomity kontakt i merytoryczne wsparcie od wyboru działki po koniec budowy. Pan Piotr jest otwarty na sugestie i bardzo cierpliwy. Dzięki jego wsparciu podczas projektowania domu wielokrotnie uchronił mnie przed kosztownymi decyzjami.
— Przemysław B.